Luminary and Holiday Party for December 23rd Have Been Cancelled

The Luminary Will Take Place on December 24th at 5:00 PM



Mark Your Calendars!!

See you on Dec. 23rd for the Luminary Celebration!

Rain date is December 24th

The next Long Branch Community Event is the annual luminary celebration. Special thanks to Julia Roberts, Heather Hartung, Celia Fructermann and Trish Schrade for organizing!

Volunteers are asked to gather on Mignonette Ct. cul de sac at 9 a.m. on Dec.22 to help with assembly and delivery of the luminary packages. The packages will be delivered to each house that day. Residents are asked to assemble the packages (stone and candle in bag) and place the candle-lit luminaries on your sidewalks by 5 p.m. on Dec.23.

Then, everyone is asked to come to the pool at about 5:30 p.m. for holiday party and caroling.